Guide: How to Calculate Overtime in Malaysia

Guide: How to Calculate Overtime in Malaysia

Overtime pay is an essential aspect of fair compensation for employees who put in extra effort beyond their regular work hours. In Malaysia, understanding how to calculate overtime accurately is crucial to ensure both employers and employees are in compliance with employment regulations. This guide aims to provide a step-by-step breakdown of how to calculate overtime in Malaysia, taking into […]



A. UMUM 1. Apakah objektif utama pindaan Akta Kerja 1955? Objektif utama pindaan Akta Kerja 1955 adalah untuk : meningkatkan dan menambah baik perlindungan dan kebajikan golongan pekerja di negara ini; memastikan peruntukan undang-undang perburuhan di negara ini selari dengan standard antarabangsa yang digariskan oleh Pertubuhan Buruh Antarabangsa; dan memudahkan Malaysia merundingkan perjanjian-perjanjian perdagangan yang pada ketika ini kerap memasukkan […]

Public Holidays in Malaysia

Public Holidays in Malaysia

How many Public Holidays do we have in Malaysia? National Level Public Holiday In Malaysia, we have two types of public holidays, those at national and state levels. National holidays are the below mentioned public holidays, normally observed by most governmental and private organizations: State Level Public Holiday State holidays are normally observed by certain states in Malaysia or when […]

Pay Employee Salaries Via Bank Accounts: MOHR

Pay Employee Salaries Via Bank Accounts: MOHR

Minister of Human Resources, V Sivakumar, has urged employers in Malaysia to ensure that the payment of wages to all their employees whether local or foreign must be paid through bank accounts. This directive aligns with the guidelines outlined in Section 25 and 25(A) of the Employment Act 1955 [Act 265]. Cash or cheque payments of wages are permissible only […]

Language ยป


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