
Understanding Public Holidays and Replacement Leave in Malaysia

The media statement from the Ministry of Human Resources in Malaysia clarifies the public holiday situation on September 16, 2024, when both Malaysia Day and Maulidur Rasul fall on the same day. Here’s a summary of the statement:

  1. Mandatory Holiday on September 16, 2024:
    • September 16, 2024, is declared a public holiday due to Malaysia Day. This holiday must be granted to employees and cannot be substituted with another day.
    • Maulidur Rasul is considered an optional public holiday. Employers in the private sector that choose to recognize Maulidur Rasul as a public holiday should provide a replacement holiday on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, as per Section 60D(1) of the Employment Act 1955.

  2. Alternative Arrangements:
    • Employers, with the consent of employees, may opt to replace the Maulidur Rasul holiday on a different day (other than September 17) as allowed under Section 60D(1A) of the Employment Act 1955.

This statement provides clear guidance for employers on how to manage the overlapping public holidays, ensuring compliance with the Employment Act and accommodating both mandatory and optional holidays.

Employers are encouraged to communicate clearly with employees regarding their holiday policies and any changes to scheduled holidays.

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